Building The Back-End: Part Three

User Management

In this section, you will be programming all users into the service for your specific group. 

There are 4 levels of users that can be added into StaffingCall.
1. Group Manager
2. Super Admin
3. Admin
4. End-User

Before we begin, be aware that there is only one Group Manager created per "Business Group". Group Managers cannot be added into StaffingCall by anyone. They are only created by us when we, as the StaffingCall service provider, create a new business group for a client and define that specific individual/user to oversee the entire group. That person is the ONLY Group Manager

As the Group Manager, you will be creating Super Admins, Admins, and End-Users, and they each have different roles and capabilities within StaffingCall.

Here are the definitions of each:

Super Admin:

The super admin user has the ability to perform all duties of the group manager that you are learning here except the ability to add new business units, edit business units, or delete business units. The super admin has the ability to approve shift requests created by admins before they are sent out to staff. The super admin can create, edit and delete Admin Users in the system. The super admin can view analytics of past shift shift requests and staff data. The super admin can send shift requests. IMPORTANT: The super admin cannot receive shift offers or respond to shift offers. IF for any reason your group wants individuals defined as super admins to be able to receive and reply to shift offers, they will simply need to be created and alternate login as admin or end users in the system. Or, in some cases, Super Admin access/users can be created as a "generic login" to pass along to various individuals as you see fit to have this role. Super admins may sometimes be in charge of overseeing staff within a specific area and may very well be in-charge of sending out shift offers to off-duty staff in order to fill vacant shifts. If you have any questions regarding the super admin, please never hesitate to ask us as we'll be glad to help out.


The admin user has the ability to send and receive shift offers. The admin level user may be thought of as an individual who typically works on the front-lines among all staff as the supervisor and will be the person in-charge of sending out staffing requests to off-duty staff to fill vacant shifts. They do not have the ability to add or remove users in the system, or view analytics of staff. Sometimes, admin level users may be willing to receive shift-offers while off-duty. This may be done by toggling between "End User" and "Admin" in their left hand menu of the app or on their desktop home screen. The menu item states: "Switch to Admin", or "Switch to End-User" depending on which mode they are currently in. One important note about the calendar for the admin: When shift offers are broadcast, the specific shift on the calendar is colored red. This is different than the end-user calendar that is only used to mark availability, non-availability, and working status.


The backbone of this service are the end users. First, let's be thankful for them as there would be no day-to-day operations without them. 

The end-users are the front-line workforce. These are the staff with the skill sets needed to run the organization. When defining end-users, it is imperative that ALL skill-sets defined in the system are applied to the staff that have them. Make sure to select every skill that applies or these users will simply not receive shift notifications/offers when these skills are requested in shift offers. IF they don't match the skill in the shift request, they will never be notified of the offer and simply will not respond. This is a perfect way to get zero responses if designed wrong. This service runs very efficiently if designed properly when adding-in the end-users. End users can mark themselves as "Available" (green-default shift color), "Working" (blue shift color), and "Not Available" (red shift color). They can select these dates by pressing and holding on their app screen at one date and dragging to select more than one date. When they release their finger, a pop-up menu will appear in which they can select their status. This will determine if they receive shift offers as well. End users can edit their profile image, email, and mobile number and that is all. They cannot change their skills. This needs to be done by "Super Admin" or "Group Managers" only. 

One final note: Group managers, and super admins can deactivate end users, and delete users. To quickly find a user in the system, you may search for them by first clicking on the "user management" heading in the left menu, then using the search box on the top right of the screen. 

Let's Begin Adding Users:

Click "User Management" in the left hand menu:
Then click the blue "Create New User" button on the screen:
You will then see the following screen below:
IMPORTANT: Select the type of user you are creating. Super Admin, Admin, or End-User.

Be sure to fill out every field on this page. Here are the key points for each user.

1. End-User

a. Primary Business Unit: Select the primary area they work, here in the drop down menu. Remember, this drop down menu was created by your perfect programming skills when creating the business units within the "group management" programming section. In other words, this list exists as due to your efforts and contribution... so great work!

b. Secondary Business Unit: If the user you are adding into the system floats/works in different areas, select all that apply from the drop down menu, one at a time. Be sure to make sure the secondary areas are populated in the box as you select them. If they aren't there, open the list and select the area again. Double check this! It is important! 

c. First Name: name of user

d. Last Name: name of user

e. Email: If you add the user's email here on this step and click submit, the user ID and password creation email will be sent to this email. The user has 24 hours to click on the "click here" link within that email which will bring them to a page where they can create their own username and password. IF THEY DON'T DO THIS...due to the security features of StaffingCall, which is designed to protect you and everyone else, that link will expire, and you will need to delete them in the system, THEN re-create them as a user in order to activate another creation email for that user. We understand this can be a nuisance and we also know that even the best of us sometimes don't check our email on a daily basis...especially end-users. SO, here is likely the best option to avoid any trouble.
     i. Use your personal email to do this step...or create a generic gmail address for this purpose. 
     ii. Go to that email in a separate window or tab on your computer.
     iii. Open that email and click on the link which contains the highlighted text stating "click here" 
     iv. When the new window opens, fill out the form to create a username and password (use a pattern that's easy to remember for all users: eg. Username: MiMouse Password: MickeyM123  (Jot down or add into a spreadsheet. A great management routine to begin now.) CLICK SUBMIT.
     v. A new screen will load telling you the user has been created successfully.
     vi. Switch back to your StaffingCall tab on your computer. 
     vii. Click on the pencil icon to the far right of the new user you just created.
     viii. Change the email to that user's actual email, and click "Update".
     ix. Proceed to create add the next new user into the system. Do not do this in any other order for good reasons. A simple fact that is easy to follow. :-)
     x. Know that you have just facilitated the process and you can expect the system to work as it should on the first run. Great work! 

f. Employee Skills: Select every single skill this employee can perform that you want them to be able to respond to when you, the super admin, and admin need them. This little step is critical. IF the skill you require isn't here, it is becasue it wasn't created in the initial setup within the menu item "business Unit Management - "Skill Categories". If you realize you need skills are needed here that are not in the drop down menu, cancel this user creation and go back and add the skill. Then return to adding the users you need.

g. Phone number: Enter their mobile number. (Our apologies here in design process that was missed..."phone number" can be misleading). This number will importantly be used to notify staff via text message for shift offers. It facilitates connectivity and is to your benefit. If users should decide they are not on board with this option, they can toggle this notification form off within their user settings.


This process will take about 3 minutes to create each user. Once you have created 5 or so, it will take 1.5-2 minutes per addition of staff. One could expect about 8-hours of time to create a group of 150 users and have them completely on-boarded. A clerk can be assigned to do this or we can do it for you upon subscription to the service from the beginning.

2. Admin: 
One CRITICALLY IMPORTANT note to make when adding the "Admin" user. 
Here it is: "Need Approval" menu item. 
IF you select yes, all staffing requests by the admin will need to be approved by the "Super Admin" user before anything happens. Therefore, if you set this user up wrongly,  ALL end users will not receive a notification of any kind until the super admin approves it (Under the "pending approval" subheading. So, if you don't have a super admin user...your staffing request from the admin will never be released to the end-users. Unless you really need this feature, PLEASE select "NO" in the drop-down menu!

3. Super Admin:
The fields here in the creation of the Super Admin are similar as above HOWEVER, Super Admin's can only be created in one business unit. They cannot overlap and cover additional or alternate business units as the admin and end users can be. 

*****Be sure to click "Submit" once complete entering the user.
Celebrate! Seriously...this is the end of the creation of the service!
SUCCESS! You have created everything needed in StaffingCall to prepare all staff to assist with any form of staffing absenteeism as well as enable your organization to stay one step-ahead of the competition and it's only going to get better!

As a result, your organization is now capable of filling shifts with off-duty staff via the most equitable AND economic means possible while also providing a valuable medium of prosperity.

Please be sure to let us know of your success using our service!

- End of Module -

Please close this tab to return to the main menu.
lifehacker staffing
Apple, Android, Web
How to reach out to all off-duty staff instantly, reduce overtime spending, and save on budgets.
lifehacker staffing app
Simple Menus
Send staffing requests with ease and enable staff to interact without wasting time teaching the system.
lifehacker staffing app
Staff Availability
Staff set their availability in-app so the only time they are notified is when they are actually available.