Building Your Custom StaffingCall IntellENGINE Console: Self Service Documentation To Support Your Business.

If this is your first time here, we suggest starting with “What is StaffingCall Self Service”, followed by “Accessing Your StaffingCall Self Service” then working your way top down.

*NOTE: If you do not already have an account, click on the red button below to request one. Requesting an account will enable you to follow along and build your setup with these modules below. 

This will provide you with testing capabilities within the service to identify if it's a fit for your organisation. 
Once Your group has been setup, you'll have maximum testing abilities. Watch the setup videos when you come across them and investigate the service by adding in members of your team for testing. 

We'll provide you with a few months of FREE service with a select number of groups and staff allowed per group. When you are ready to continue, simply let us know by inquiring via the red button below. 

If you are still growing as an organisation, we completely understand you may not have a large organisation YET...BUT now is the time to begin preparing by following along through these simple step-by-step guides. 

Sometimes, small groups don't need such a rapid and efficient service with small numbers of staff...and to those groups, we must say that you are extremely valuable to us and we would love nothing more than to help you grow faster from the beginning.

Enjoy the process and watch your common staffing challenges dissipate as you begin using the service...courtesy of us!

StaffingCall Self Service Guides for End Users

Dear Group Manager, This section has been placed here to provide you an overview of the exact teaching steps End-Users will follow which has been setup for them on a different web page than this one you are currently on. 

Their version will not display the Group Manager Self-Service section that has been developed above. Here is the "End-User" guide below:

Directions to staff: If this is your first time here, we suggest working in this order:  “What is StaffingCall Self Service”, followed by “Accessing Your StaffingCall Self Service” then working your way top down. The modules have been numbered for your convenience.

lifehacker staffing
Apple, Android, Web
How to reach out to all off-duty staff instantly, reduce overtime spending, and save on budgets.
lifehacker staffing app
Simple Menus
Send staffing requests with ease and enable staff to interact without wasting time teaching the system.
lifehacker staffing app
Staff Availability
Staff set their availability in-app so the only time they are notified is when they are actually available.

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